
You don’t need complex databases only software developers can understand to make a powerful custom web application. Our BearTable solutions wraps easy-to-use Google Sheets and Airtables in code, enabling you to keep using the spreadsheet-style systems your understand and trust as your app’s backend/database technology!

Turn your Google Sheets and Airtables into databases for a your own custom software applications!

BearTable is a set of software tools Pruvn has developed to wrap your data tables (Google Sheets, Airtables, CSVs) in custom software applications.

You get all the flexibility of custom software application development while continuing to build, manage and administer your data in the spreadsheet-style interfaces with which you and your team are most familiar.

Here are some examples of BearTable tooling out in the field:

  • Bespoke wizards that collect detailed information and send it directly to an Airtable or Google Sheet.
  • Custom portals that enable users to register, login and manage specific fields on the records they’ve created and/or been assigned.
  • Front-end application that display specific data table contents in search, browse and mapping interfaces.

What types of interactions would you like your users to have with your data tables?